The JFK assassination was one of the few real-world events that my young mind latched onto. I learned a lot about the layout of the streets and buildings, the times of the events, and the timing and distance of the shots. It also gave people the opportunity to try out alternate scenarios. This led to asking the possibilities of why.įor example, it is easier to get a reliable shot as the car is coming toward the building, rather than after it turns the corner and the target is moving more rapidly across your field. Was it lack of confidence in firing a more distant shot? Was he hesitating? I also could see that because the cars start to take notice once something gets hit, I better not fail. Take the file (it should be named 'core000.wad - Copy') and put it into a text editor (I highly recommend installing Notepad++ for this purpose as Notepad has a hard time with big files.
The way the cars drive during the panic is laughably dumb, but the fact that they are moving makes it much more difficult to get a good shot. Just because it's hard to reproduce exactly doesn't make it improbable. dont waste your time watching this garbage you sad cunts.
If I roll a die 6 times and it comes up 3-4-6-2-2-1, and then you try a hundred times and can't match it, that doesn't make it a magic roll.